Category: Issues

Almost out of time!

Hello everybody tomorrow is election day! This is your last chance to VOTE! Seriously, you need to. If you have not already done so, think about how you are going to feel after election day. No matter who wins, will you feel like you did your part? Will you feel like you did your part… More »

3 days!!

Hi everybody this is one of my final posts like this, since election day is coming up. I will say it again: VOTE! If you have not already done so. Today’s post is about something that is on all of our minds Black Lives Matter. When you vote you are voting for lives. In 2014… More »

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everybody! I hope you had a good socially distanced  Halloween. I definitely did! Now if the grown-ups would just be sure to elect Joe Biden we will not have to have another socially distanced Halloween because they will get COVID under control, and we can go trick or treating again. Also it is… More »

Planning to vote by mail?

Hello everybody! If you have already mailed your ballot in good job! If you haven’t, you need to go deliver it in person because if you do not you are risking not having it counted. This is really important and you need to  do this no matter what side you are on because it means… More »

More reasons to elect Biden/Harris

Hello everybody thank you again for liking me on instagram and facebook and twitter! If you have not already, please do. Today’s post is about some of the things that Biden and Harris will do if we elect them. Number one they WILL bring COVID under control and we can all get back to doing… More »

Thank you!

Hi everyone! Thank you for all the interest. People are following my Facebook page and Twitter and Instagram feeds – thank you for doing that! Please click on the links at the top right of this web site to check them out if you haven’t yet.