Author: Felix

Second Vaccine!!

Hello everybody,   The week before last, I got my second vaccine! Which means that this week on Friday I will be fully vaccinated! If you haven’t gotten your shot already and you fit into the twelve and up age range you should talk to your parents about getting your shot. Only 53.9% of kids… More »

First Vaccine!

Hello everybody,            Last week was my 12 birthday and I got my first COVID-19 vaccine which to me is ridiculous that I have to choose to get a vaccine on my birthday and that my three younger siblings still can’t get them yet! One thing that I was surprised about… More »


Hello everybody,           A week ago the Taliban, which is an extremist islamic group, took over Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital. One of the biggest effects that this will have on Afghanistan is women’s rights. In the 1970s women were able to vote and gender segregation was slowly changing. But then in the… More »

Eviction Ban

Hello everybody,           Last week on Saturday the eviction ban that had been put in place by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) expired. What this means is that people who are behind on their rent because they are not able to work because of COVID can get kicked… More »

Line 3

Hello everybody,                 In recent news President Biden has backed a pipeline that would carry a lot of oil through Minnesota and be bad for the environment, even though he promised to help cut fossil fuel emissions. President Biden still could decide to take back the permits that… More »


Hello everybody,       I’m sorry I haven’t posted the past three Thursdays and I am going to pick back up again. Yesterday President Joe Biden signed a bill that makes Juneteenth a National holiday!  For those of you who don’t know what Juneteenth is, here’s an answer. June 19th 1865 is the day… More »


Hello everybody,                       It’s Thursday! This week’s post is about the fact that in Texas the governor has BANNED masks at state facilities! This means that if any state facility requires masks that they have to pay a $1,000 dollar fine which is crazy! Governor… More »