

Hello everybody,          

A week ago the Taliban, which is an extremist islamic group, took over Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital. One of the biggest effects that this will have on Afghanistan is women’s rights. In the 1970s women were able to vote and gender segregation was slowly changing. But then in the 1990s when the Taliban gained control they obliterated all of the rights that women had. During the past twenty years there has been huge progress for the rights of the women and girls of Afghanistan but given the Taliban’s record they are likely to destroy all of this. “When the Taliban last controlled the country, from 1996 to 2001, the militants enforced a harsh interpretation of sharia law. Women were forced to wear burqas — the head-to-toe, face-covering garment — and could face beatings if they ventured outside on their own without a male guardian.” (Washington Post August 19, 2021). So it definitely seems like that might happen again which to me seems horrible. People are wondering if Biden made the right choice in taking troops out of Afghanistan. I really don’t know what the right answer is, but some things that I do know are that the people in charge of Afghanistan do not have a good track record and that keeping the U.S. troops in Afghanistan was not something we wanted to do either but neither was allowing the Taliban to gain control again. I also know that 22 U.S. Veterans die by suicide everyday and I’m worried that all of this in the news is going to make many Veterans and active duty military relive all of the horrors of the past twenty years.

