Month: November 2020

Happy Birthday President-Elect Biden!!!

Hello everybody! I am sorry that I have not posted sooner, but as always thank you for liking me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. So today is actually Joe Biden’s birthday! You might not have know that? In case you were wondering Vice President-Elect Harris’ birthday was on October 20th and she is 56. President-Elect… More »

So much work to do

Hello everybody, I hope that you are having a great day! Today’s post I hope will help you realize that we still have so much more work to do, especially us kids. We have to solve climate change and we have to make everyone understand that Black Lives Matter, among other things. As Vice-President elect… More »

Biden/Harris win!!!

Today is the day Biden won! Which means a couple of things… One: WE HAVE A FEMALE VICE PRESIDENT! And two: no four more years of torture. Also to add to the first point that I made, when Biden steps down then Harris might become president which would be amazing. Everybody should celebrate tonight!!

Still waiting

Hello everybody thank you for liking me on social media. Today we are still waiting for the results to completely come in, as a result of that I do not have a lot to say, except that Joe Biden is ahead! But only by a little bit.


Waiting. That has been the story of this election, and it is not over yet. We are going to have to wait some more. It is hard but we need to be patient. We need to stay calm for now. One of my favorite quotes is “after a storm there is always a rainbow no… More »

For now

So today is the day after election day and we still do not have a result. Have your parents spent a lot of today looking at their phones following how the rest of the election is playing out? Mine have. But it is really close. I cannot believe how many grown-ups were not thinking about… More »

Today is the day!

Today is the day! It is election day and today is your last chance to VOTE! I am sure that you have already voted, but if not than you need to – right now – this is so important! I cannot even tell you how important it is, the fate of the world is in… More »